Chainsaw magic trick gone wrong
Chainsaw magic trick gone wrong

chainsaw magic trick gone wrong

Unfortunately, his wife wanted out of the marriage and instead of firing a wax bullet as planned, swapped it for a real bullet and killed her husband. The Black Wizard was performing the “Bullet Catch Trick” with his wife firing the gun. Unfortunately during one of his tricks the bag exploded and kill both Miller and his assistant. John Miller (aka Belebrega) had gone to Brazil to tour and his act required some bags of flammable liquid. Royden Joseph Gilbert Raison de la Genesta was performing his famous “Milk Can Escape Trick” in Frankfurt Kentucky but unaware that during transport the milk can have been dented, resulting in the magician being able to open the can, which led to him drowning. Unfortunately after being buried alive without all the preparation that David Blaine took, after seven hours he was dug up and pronounced dead.

chainsaw magic trick gone wrong chainsaw magic trick gone wrong

Janaka Basnayake a Sri Lankan performer had the ambition to beat David Blaine’s record of being buried alive for six days. Jeff Rayburn Hopper died during a trick on July 7 th, 1984 while he was being lowered into a lake and he drowned during an escape trick In the following tricks, the magician actually died during the performance of a trick. READ Is a Mentalist a Magician? (Explained)

Chainsaw magic trick gone wrong